Help Free Trial

Free Trial

About the Trial

  • The free trial allows you to use a paid plan for one month free of charge.
  • Customers who have never used the trial service before or who have created an account with for the first time can use the trial service.

【For more information about the trial period, please click here (opens new window).】

Plans on Trial Period

Default Plan on Trial Period
Organization Type Default Plan
For corporate Startup
For Personal Free

※You can change the plan to other paid plan and add options for free on the trial.

For more information about plans, please click Price Plan

Payment and Continued Use at the Trial End

  • You can continue to use the service after the trial ends by registering a credit card.
  • Unless you register your credit card yourself, you will not be automatically charged at the end of the trial.

Suspension of the Application

  • If you do not pay the bill after the trial ends due to non-registration of a payment method, you will be forced to downgrade to a free plan and GROWI will be suspended.
    ※ Even if the application is suspended, you can continue using the application by setting up a payment method.

※If you restart GROWI while downgraded to the free plan, GROWI will be left open

Data of Suspended Apps

※Please note that data for suspended apps will be deleted after one month.

About Charge Fee

  • Fees will be billed on the day following the trial end date.
  • Example: If you used the trial from April 27, the end date will be May 26, and the billing will start on May 27 if you registered with a credit card.